New Recipes section on PaleoTerran
Monday, May 28, 2012 at 09:47PM
Dr. John in Recipes

One of the most common requests I get from people who are starting to eat Paleo or Primal is finding recipes. There are a number of excellent bloggers who post detailed, sometimes witty, often delightful and frequently well-illustrated recipes. PaleoTerran has periodically linked to recipes, and at times added its own. In a new section simply called Recipes, you will find links to Paleo and Primal recipes from throughout the net.

The list will grow to about 100 links, and then older posts will be removed as new ones are added. This will keep the list from becoming static and difficult to use. I welcome your feedback in the Comments section of this post or at paleoterran (type the @ sign)

(Yeah, I know, the "me" thing. I preferred .mac but Apple does not always get it right.)

Article originally appeared on paleoterran (
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