Dr. Enrique Jacoby of the World Health Organization on packaged food
Sunday, December 29, 2013 at 03:04PM
Dr. John in Nutrition, The Atlantic, food addiction, mac and cheese

Image: Stuart Spivack from Cleveland, Ohio, USALeah Sottile, writing for The Atlantic asked Dr. Enrique Jacoby of the World Health Organization (WHO) why Americans getting sicker at a younger age:

"Are my friends sick, by chance, because they grew up eating Spaghetti-O’s and Kraft macaroni and cheese like every other kid in the 1980s? Are they victims of an era driven by convenience foods and sugary drinks?"

Jacoby’s response:

“Anyone that lives on mac and cheese, a lot of this packaged food, probably will grow up in one way or another addicted to this type of food. It’s well-known that there is very clear evidence that packaged foods are designed to be addictive. Do you know anyone who is addicted to chicken or fish or celery? That doesn’t exist.”

Source: Living Sick and Dying Young in Rich America

Related Post: Becoming Paleo, Part 1: The Yale Food Addiction Scale

Article originally appeared on paleoterran (http://paleoterran.squarespace.com/).
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