Quote: Obesity, Soft Drinks & Cognitive Decline
Tuesday, September 3, 2013 at 09:27PM
Dr. John in Quotes, childhood obesity, high fructose corn syrup

Although obesity may not be enough to warrant concern among parents, the lower academic potential of obese adolescents strongly argues for early treatment of childhood obesity and comprehensive intervention, including a limitation of sweetened soft drinks, especially those containing HFCS. Equally important is exploring the role of dietary omega-3 FAs, which appear to have beneficial effects on cognitive function and attenuate high-fructose associated cognitive decline.

The emerging role of dietary fructose in obesity and cognitive decline Nutr J. 2013; 12: 114.


HFCS: high fructose corn syrup
FA: fatty acids

Article originally appeared on paleoterran (http://paleoterran.squarespace.com/).
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