Entries in Food Trucks (3)


Paleo Food Truck - Indianapolis, Indiana


Shelby Malterr does a nice job on the Paleo rationale.
Via Indy Style TVPaleo Food Truck


San Diego's Not So Fast! Paleo / primal food truck

Image: Not So Fast!

Not So Fast! is the first Paleo & Primal friendly fast food truck in San Diego, California offering local and pastured meats & eggs, wild caught seafood, and vegetables & fruit.

Not So Fast!

found via San Diego Reader


Food Carts Portland: The Cultured Caveman

The food here is made with care and the owners Heather and Joe are working hard to make this a truly professional cart with excellent quality and customer service to match. Sometimes it feels like there are a billion food carts nowadays, and sometimes it’s hard to stand out from the pack. The Cultured Caveman has a niche in the Paleo Diet crowd, for sure.

The Cultured Caveman