Entries in Monthly Finds (9)


Monthly Finds - June 2011


Monthly Finds - May 2011


Monthly Finds - April 2011


Monthly Finds, March 2011


Monthly Finds, February 2011


Monthly Finds 1.2011

Broccoli Fights Cancer by Clearing Bad Tumor Suppressors - Scientific American, Jan. 27
The p53 gene codes for proteins that keep cancer cells in check. If p53 mutates, it codes ineffective proteins. Broccoli destroys mutant p53 genes so effective proteins can get their work done suppressing tumors.

Global Food System Needs Massive Overhaul - onearth, Jan. 26
One of several recent articles on the rising threat of food insecurity. 

Eating Wheat Gluten Causes Symptoms in Some People Who Don't Have Celiac Disease - Whole Health Source, Jan. 20
Suffering from unexplained fatigue or digestive problems? Try avoiding gluten.

Study: Strength Training Lowers Blood Pressure Equal to Medication or Aerobics - Primal Wisdom, Jan. 19

Bioactive compounds in berries can reduce high blood pressure - EurekAlert, Jan. 14
Another reason to love blueberries.

Does Dietary Saturated Fat Increase Blood Cholesterol? An Informal Review of Observational Studies - Whole Health Source, Jan. 13

Eat Greener, Look Better - Environmental News Network, Jan. 13
Healthy glowing skin: another reason to eat your fruits and vegetables.

Lice DNA Study Shows Humans First Wore Clothes 170,000 Years Ago - ScienceDaily, Jan. 7

Alpha-carotene from veggies linked to longer life - Scientific American, Dec. 30
You wont find it in your multivitamins or supplements: alpha-carotene, just one more reason to eat your vegetables.

Neanderthal diets included some grains - Hunt.Gather.Love, Dec. 27

Positive Well-Being to Higher Telomerase: Psychological Changes from Meditation Training Linked to Cellular Health - ScienceDaily, Nov. 4
Rebuilding and lengthening your telomeres through meditation protects your DNA?!


Monthly Finds 12.2010

New Type of Ancient Human Found—Descendants Live Today? - National Geographic Daily News, Dec. 22
Fossil finger bone of a 5 to 7 year-old girl suggests a previously unknown ancient human group living in Asia. See also John Hawks’ post The Denisova genome FAQ

Deep Breathing: How and Why to Do It - Mark's Daily Apple, Dec. 16
The how-to on rebalancing your stress hormones through deep breathing.

The Blood Type Diet: A Primal Perspective - Primal Wisdom, Dec. 15
“The blood type diet does not have a solid leg on which to stand.”

The Paleolithic Toddler: Green & Healthy Eating For Kids - Greener Ideal, Dec. 14
Nudging your toddler to a more Paleolithic diet.

Wheeled Snow Shovel Is Potent Green Alternative To Belching Snow Blowers - Environmental News Network, Dec. 6
Human-powered snow shovel looks classy. If you have one, let me know how it works.

Qatar World Cup Stadiums Promise Eco-Friendly Soccer Utopia - Wired, Dec. 6
Plan a trip to Qatar in 2022 and enjoy the fruits your petrodollars.

'No Fish Left Behind' Approach Leaves Earth With Nowhere Left to Fish, Study Finds - Science Daily, Dec. 3
With fisheries expanding at a size roughly equivalent to an Amazon rain forest each year, where do you put new ones?

New York’s Largest Green Roof Has Major Impact - EcoGeek, Dec. 2
2.5 acres of green on a roof in midtown Manhattan. 

Ancient vs. Modern Fruits and Vegetables - Mark’s Daily Apple, Dec. 1
“What, you thought every non-explicitly hybridized fruit and vegetable can trace a pure lineage back to the Paleolithic?”

Loss of Species Large and Small Threatens Human Health, Study Finds - Science Daily, Dec 1
“The animals, plants, and microbes most likely to disappear as biodiversity is lost are often those that buffer infectious disease transmission.”

A Paleolithic diet is more satiating per calorie than a Mediterranean-like diet in individuals with ischemic heart disease - Nutrition & Metabolism, Nov. 30
Paleolithic diet beats Mediterranean diet in satisfaction, weight loss and decreased waist circumference.


Monthly Finds 11.2010

Environmental Toxin May Play Important Role in Multiple Sclerosis: Hypertension Drug Possible Treatment - ScienceDaily, Nov. 23
Is MS a modern disease due to tobacco smoke and auto exhaust? Initial study in mice.

LA 2010: Toyota RAV4 EV, powered by Tesla, hits the stage - Autoblog Green, Nov. 17
Electric RAV4 100 miles per charge coming in 2012.

Nighttime lights linked to depression - MSNBC, Nov. 17
Nighttime lights inhibit melatonin, but do they also shrink the hippocampus?

The dramatic decline of the modern man - Salon, Nov. 14
Salon’s Thomas Rogers interviews author of Manthropology: The Science of Why the Modern Male Is Not the Man He Used to Be (via Mark Sisson’s post).

Doing S.P.E.E.D.: A Paleo-Friendly Weight Loss Manual - Primal Wisdom, Nov. 12
Don reviews new weight loss book based on a bio-psycho-social model.

Origins of first European farmers revealed - The Environment Institute (The University of Adelaide), Nov. 10
Did the first European farmers arise from local hunter-gatherers or where they invaders?

Mark Sisson’s longevity series - Mark’s Daily Apple

Why Did Grok Live So Long? - Nov 10

Just How Long Did Grok Live, Really? – Part 2 - Nov 3

Just How Long Did Grok Live, Really? - Oct 28

Born to Run the Marathon? - New York Times, Nov. 4
Reflections on marathons from author of Born to Run

Indoor Gardening in 5 Steps - NRDC SimpleSteps, Nov. 1
Begin with your sunniest window.


October 2010 finds

Primal Holiday Desserts - Mark’s Daily Apple, Oct 30

Oldest Modern Human Outside of Africa FoundNational Geographic Daily News, Oct 25
Did Homo sapiens reach Asia 60,000 years earlier than previously thought?

How Grok got Milk - Mark’s Daily Apple, Oct 26
Herding settlers versus hunter-gathers.     

Marathons Affect Heart, but Runners Bounce BackMedlinePlus, Oct 25
Unraveling the effects of marathoning on the heart.

Tough Mudder: Dirty, Adventurous Fun! - Modern Paleo, Oct 25
Are you tough enough! Richly illustrated all-day modern Paleolithic fitness fest.

From China, The Future of Fish - Bloomberg Businessweek, Oct 21
Fish farming won’t improve until we make better choices.

The Catail's Outta of the Bag - Mark’s Daily Apple, Oct 21
Controversy over grain consumption 30,000 years ago.

Fun with headlines: Did Paleolithic people eat grains? - Hunt.Gather.Love, Oct 20
Response to research finding human use of grains 30,000 years ago.

Is Samwise Gamgee Right About Potatoes? - Mark’s Daily Apple, Oct 19
Who was right about potatoes in The Lord of the Rings? Also see Part Deux.

Thank you for an amazing inaugural New York City Barefoot Run - Hunter-Gatherer, Oct 13
Great review of a milestone event in paleo fitness.

Barefooting - Paleo Playbook, Oct 12
Great post on persistence hunting and barefoot running, with video. (Interestingly the persistence hunter wears shoes, the modern paleoterran is barefoot.)

The Neandertals of Mount Doom - john hawks weblog, Oct 11
Did volcanoes or “death-rays” knock off Neandertal? Or neither?

43,000-year-old assemblages from Highland New Guinea - john hawks weblog, Oct 1
Pandanus nut roasting and other foods 43,000 years ago.