Monthly Finds 12.2010

New Type of Ancient Human Found—Descendants Live Today? - National Geographic Daily News, Dec. 22
Fossil finger bone of a 5 to 7 year-old girl suggests a previously unknown ancient human group living in Asia. See also John Hawks’ post The Denisova genome FAQ
Deep Breathing: How and Why to Do It - Mark's Daily Apple, Dec. 16
The how-to on rebalancing your stress hormones through deep breathing.
The Blood Type Diet: A Primal Perspective - Primal Wisdom, Dec. 15
“The blood type diet does not have a solid leg on which to stand.”
The Paleolithic Toddler: Green & Healthy Eating For Kids - Greener Ideal, Dec. 14
Nudging your toddler to a more Paleolithic diet.
Wheeled Snow Shovel Is Potent Green Alternative To Belching Snow Blowers - Environmental News Network, Dec. 6
Human-powered snow shovel looks classy. If you have one, let me know how it works.
Qatar World Cup Stadiums Promise Eco-Friendly Soccer Utopia - Wired, Dec. 6
Plan a trip to Qatar in 2022 and enjoy the fruits your petrodollars.
'No Fish Left Behind' Approach Leaves Earth With Nowhere Left to Fish, Study Finds - Science Daily, Dec. 3
With fisheries expanding at a size roughly equivalent to an Amazon rain forest each year, where do you put new ones?
New York’s Largest Green Roof Has Major Impact - EcoGeek, Dec. 2
2.5 acres of green on a roof in midtown Manhattan.
Ancient vs. Modern Fruits and Vegetables - Mark’s Daily Apple, Dec. 1
“What, you thought every non-explicitly hybridized fruit and vegetable can trace a pure lineage back to the Paleolithic?”
Loss of Species Large and Small Threatens Human Health, Study Finds - Science Daily, Dec 1
“The animals, plants, and microbes most likely to disappear as biodiversity is lost are often those that buffer infectious disease transmission.”
A Paleolithic diet is more satiating per calorie than a Mediterranean-like diet in individuals with ischemic heart disease - Nutrition & Metabolism, Nov. 30
Paleolithic diet beats Mediterranean diet in satisfaction, weight loss and decreased waist circumference.

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