Entries in Medicine (10)


Diabetes in China a "catastrophe"

The most comprehensive nationwide survey for diabetes ever conducted in China shows 11.6 percent of adults, or 114 million, has the disease. The finding, published yesterday in the Journal of the American Medical Association, adds 22 million diabetics, or the population of Australia, to a 2007 estimate and means almost one in three diabetes sufferers globally is in China.

Is it the China Diet?

China ‘Catastrophe’ Hits 114 Million as Diabetes Spreads


Kaiser Permanente on the impact of climate change

There’s credible evidence of significant climate change that will impact our ability to provide quality health care. ...What we know so far about the repercussions of climate change isn’t good, such as water shortages and increased wars over resources, and all the health issues that go along with those.

Kathy Gerwig
KP Environmental Stewardship Officer 
Climate Progress


Robert Krochmal, MD, a Primal Doc

I am passionate about the practice of Integrative Medicine not only because of the power it has to optimize health, but also because it promises a lifetime of learning and surprises for me. There is no better feeling as a physician than to see a client feel rejuvenated, to be filled with energy and enthusiasm for life…

Robert Krochmal, MD
Woodland Hills, CA


Jeffry Gerber, MD joins Primal Docs

We have been helping our patients improve their health and optimize their weight with prescribed life style modification. We redefine healthy nutrition and teach patients about the relationship between unhealthy refined and processed foods, dietary carbohydrates, and chronic illness…

Learn more at Primal Docs


DNA music by Jonathan Coulton


Quote: Comedy versus illness

“Comedy saved my life,” said Saranne Rothberg, who started therapeutic-humor nonprofit ComedyCures after using humor to help her cope with and recover from stage-four breast cancer. “My love of comedy and laughing kept me positive, so I could fight every battle I had to fight physically and emotionally.”

At Therapeutic Humor Conference, Laughter Medicine Is Serious Business - Wired


Dr. Michele Blackwell joins Primal Docs

The Primal Docs physician network continues to grow. Michele Blackwell, MD in Webster, Texas is the newest member. Dr. Blackwell writes:

I am currently practicing general obstetrics and gynecology. My special interests are minimally invasive surgery, adolescent gynecology and more recently nutrition and its role in women’s health.

I have three awesome children. I love to crossfit, and have my level 1 certification. I also enjoy mountain biking and snowboarding.

Learn more about Primal Docs here


Dr. George Forgan-Smith joins Primal Docs

Primal Docs is a new network of physicians, and soon other health professionals, that educate their patients on Primal/Paleo health. George Forgan-Smith, MBBS in Melbourne Australia just joined the network and says:

Having taken on the paleo diet I have lost a substantial amount of weight and I like to think I am living proof that I must be equally as willing to participate in my treatments as my patients.

Learn more about doctor George Forgan-Smith at Primal Docs.


Dr. Catherine Shanahan joins Primal Docs

Primal Docs is a new network of physicians, and soon other health professionals, that educate their patients on Primal/Paleo health. Dr. Catherine Shanahan in Bedford, New Hampshire just joined the network and says:

Everything I learned about diet from the medical establishment was turned on its head by my experience in Hawaii. Animals are actually easier to raise than vegetables, requiring only pastureland and water, and so many of my patients also raised their own goats, pigs, and chickens, and caught fish. I realized I was seeing firsthand the kinds of practical food-gathering, storing, and cooking solutions that our ancestors used throughout history; I was learning the foods that made us human.

Learn more about Dr. Shanahan at Primal Docs.


New Primal Docs website launched

Chris Armstrong recently announced a new website featuring a map-based directory of physicians with an interest in promoting Paleo/primal health. As Chris writes:

I’ve created the Primal Docs Website in an effort to bring people together with like-minded physicians. We’ve only just begun and we just have a handful of physicians listed so far, so stay tuned for a physician near you. If you know of an MD (anywhere in the world) who you think would be a good fit for the site, please have them get in touch with me.

Chris notes the site will soon feature other health care practitioners, "but that won’t be ready for another month or so — stay tuned for more details on that." 

Hopefully the directory will grow into a worldwide resource. I am pleased to have been included. Visit the site and provide Chris your feedback. We at PaleoTerran would also like to know your impressions.