New Primal Docs website launched

Chris Armstrong recently announced a new website featuring a map-based directory of physicians with an interest in promoting Paleo/primal health. As Chris writes:
I’ve created the Primal Docs Website in an effort to bring people together with like-minded physicians. We’ve only just begun and we just have a handful of physicians listed so far, so stay tuned for a physician near you. If you know of an MD (anywhere in the world) who you think would be a good fit for the site, please have them get in touch with me.
Chris notes the site will soon feature other health care practitioners, "but that won’t be ready for another month or so — stay tuned for more details on that."
Hopefully the directory will grow into a worldwide resource. I am pleased to have been included. Visit the site and provide Chris your feedback. We at PaleoTerran would also like to know your impressions.

Reader Comments (1)
Thank you for the mention Dr. John :)