Entries in Quotes (23)


Teddy Roosevelt: Dare mighty things

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the great twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."

Teddy Roosevelt


Quote: Information Wealth & Poverty

"A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention."

Herbert Simon

via Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence 


Quote: Obesity, Soft Drinks & Cognitive Decline

Although obesity may not be enough to warrant concern among parents, the lower academic potential of obese adolescents strongly argues for early treatment of childhood obesity and comprehensive intervention, including a limitation of sweetened soft drinks, especially those containing HFCS. Equally important is exploring the role of dietary omega-3 FAs, which appear to have beneficial effects on cognitive function and attenuate high-fructose associated cognitive decline.

The emerging role of dietary fructose in obesity and cognitive decline Nutr J. 2013; 12: 114.


HFCS: high fructose corn syrup
FA: fatty acids


Crazy Horse: "We preferred hunting"

We preferred hunting to a life of idelness on the reservation, where we were driven against our will ... We preferred our own way of living ... All we wanted was peace and to be left alone. 

Crazy Horse, ca 1842-1877

via National Geographic, August 2012, (print edition)


Contemplating a primal existence

Comuna Rhiannon, Ecuador. Image: John MIchael

I have always been a nature girl. I love to do anything outdoors. I climb, hike, sunbathe, I watch and listen to the animals, I smell flowers. I am not very attached to things like most are in our country. I own very little and live very simply. I like it that way. But I’m also cosmopolitan. I love the opera and stimulating conversation. I’m academic and highbrow. I love the pursuit of knowledge and the perfection of talents. I live for contemplating and creating.

How happy would I be without ...

Could You Really Live the Primal Life?
The Primal Parent


Quote: Exercise and the brain

The implication is that exercising during development, as your brain is growing, is changing the brain in concert with normal developmental changes, resulting in your having more permanent wiring of the brain in support of things like learning and memory. It seems important to [exercise] early in life.

David Bucci 
How Exercise Affects the Brain: Age and Genetics Play a Role


Quote: The environment & the generational balance of power

Attending the first ever White House Summit on Environmental Education shed light on what’s wrong with the environmental movement: the generational balance of power. While I am extremely honored to have been invited to attend, I cannot help but be disappointed that there were not enough young environmental leaders sitting at the table next to leaders of government, business, academia and NGOs.

Mitch Lowenthal - Environmental Education – It’s more than naming trees!


Quote: The wrong question about climate change

The answer to the oft-asked question of whether an event is caused by climate change is that it is the wrong question. All weather events are affected by climate change because the environment in which they occur is warmer and moister than it used to be.

Kevin E. Trenberth - National Center for Atmospheric Research

via Climate Progress


Quote: When are you "beach ready"?

You are not “beach-ready” just because your body shape looks good. You are “beach ready” when you can run, swim, and carry someone out of the water to rescue them from drowning. 



Quote: "Don't Drink Your Milk"

In no mammalian species, except for humans (and the domestic cat), is milk consumption continued after the weaning period (the period of breast-feeding). Calves thrive on cow milk. Cow milk is for calves.

From the 1977 book "Don't Drink Your MilK" by Frank Oski, MD, Chairman of Pediatrics (1985-1996), Johns Hopkins University

via The Paleo Answer 


Quote: Jack LaLanne on nutrition

If man made it, don't eat it. 

Jack LaLanne

via The Paleo Answer by Loren Cordain, Ph.D. 


Quote: On the origins of farming at the end of the last Ice Age

As the human species epxanded across the globe, we had to compete with other animals going for the easy food. We went for things like the small hard grass seeds we call cereals, which are indigestible if eaten raw and may even be poisonous, which we have to pulp up and turn into things like bread and dough. And we went into the poisonous giant tubers, like the yam and the taro, which also had to be leeched, ground up and cooked before we could eat them.

Martin Jones, Professor of Archaeological Science, Cambridge University

via A History of the World in 100 Objects