SUNDAY PALEO / October 30, 2011

Annapolis, Maryland. Image: CyberMed, LLC
Are We Living In The Anthropocene?
They acknowledge that humans are "undoubtedly" the dominant species on Earth, but stress that there are many specific regions/ecosystems that are still intact. ....despite popular belief, humans have not changed everything. - Science 2.0
Face-to-face with an ancient human
From their studies of rubbish in and around Vistehola, the archaeologists determined that this clan ate fish – mostly cod – as well as oysters, mussels, cormorants, elk and wild pig. - University of Stavanger
Dow starts mass-marketing solar shingles
Though obviously much more reflective, the CIGS (copper, indium, gallium, and selenide) thin-film solar shingles resemble typical asphalt composite shingles in shape and size, and when installed mimic the same brick pattern. The shingles boast easy installation and durability, with Dow Solar claiming they can be walked on or even dropped from a two-story roof with no damage inflicted. – CNET News
Berlin Restaurant Caters to Modern Cavemen
Many people think the Paleolithic diet is just some hipster trend but it's a worldwide phenomenon, with an online community that spans the globe," Sauvage's Boris Leite-Poço told SPIEGEL ONLINE of the growing interest in caveman cooking. – Speigel Online International
More Power to the Cranberry: Study Shows the Juice is Better than Extracts at Fighting Bacterial Infections
Camesano’s lab explores the mechanisms that the virulent form of E. coli bacteria, the primary cause of most urinary tract infections (UTIs) in people, uses to form biofilms. This strain of E. coli is covered with small hair-like projections known as fimbriae that act like hooks and latch onto cells that line the urinary tract. - Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Bison Stew
We were fortunate to receive some tasty bison stew meat from US Wellness Meats. We love bison, and we love everything that we receive from US Wellness, so we were very anxious to cook up something amazing with this product! – Primal Palate
Suicide: One Bite at a Time
I came to realize that basically I was committing suicide one bite at a time with all the “comfort” foods I was consuming. Within about three months after gradually ramping up with the Primal lifestyle I had lost 40 to 50 pounds and was off all medications except for my blood pressure meds. - Mark's Daily Apple
Welcome to the Anthropocene: Humankind's layer on the Earth
Paul Crutzen coined the term “anthropocene” while attending a scientific conference. When the chairman kept using the term Holocene to describe the current epoch, Crutzen exclaimed “Let's stop it, we are no longer in the Holocene. We are in the Anthropocene."
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