SUNDAY PALEO / September 11, 2011

Walking and urban hiking take many forms. Lleida, Spain.
Urban Hiking: Exploring Your Local Terrain
"Though many of us live in dense, heavily human terrain, there’s plenty of adventure to be had, ample chance for discovery, and abundant opportunity for the rich, contemplative experience we often seek in the most secluded wood. It’s all about embracing the whole of the world just outside our doors – and journeying into it with new eyes and an open mind." - Mark's Daily Apple
Omega-3s Reduce Stroke Severity, Study Suggests
"Professor Calon believes that this anti-inflammatory effect is likely transferable to humans. "Since DHA is readily available, inexpensive, and reduces the risk of a number of health problems without causing significant side effects, the risk-benefit ratio tends to favor the regular consumption of fish or DHA," he concluded."" - Science Daily News
New Cookbook: Paleo Comfort Foods by Julie & Charles Mayfield
"And we were very honored to get the following comment via email from Dr. Loren Cordain yesterday: “Julie and Charles – Many thanks for sending me a copy of your book. It’s absolutely fantastic and I loved reading about your backgrounds and transition into eating Paleo…” Paleo Comfort Foods
New Paleo Resource: Eat to Evolve
"I'd like to introduce those of you that live in the Philly or Main Line Area to a new local Paleo resource, Eat to Evolve. ...Eat to Evolve focuses on delivering high quality Paleo meals to your door - so for those of you that want to try Paleo but can't cook or don't have the time...this could be the perfect solution for you." - Against the Grain
Paleo Round Two
"As I mentioned in my first essay on my poor eating habits, before paleo I considered my one vice in life to have too much of a wheat craving, with pasta, bread, cookies and cakes leading the pack. My cooking skills were limited to making toast, pasta or frying eggs. Cheap, easy, fast and convenient. But healthy? No. That has changed dramatically." - Modern Paleo
The Persistence Hunt: Day Two and Recap
"The modern alarm clock is the primitive technology. A thuggish tool that clubs us awake, brute force cortisol, lacking elegance and intelligence -- the caveman stereotype embodied by modern man." - Hunter-Gatherer
Research Shows Nature Helps With Stress
"Recent research shows that taking a stroll through a natural setting can boost performance on “tasks calling for sustained focus.” “Taking in the sights and sounds of nature appears to be especially beneficial for our minds.”" - The Dirt
Largest U.S. Dam Removal to Restore Salmon Runs
"The largest dam-removal undertaking in U.S. history, the project could serve as an inspiration and a model for similar enterprises in other parts of the country, conservationists say. ...'It is one of the most significant restoration efforts we have ever seen.'" - National Geographic Daily News
Military Installs Largest US Residential Solar Project in History
"The US military is becoming a major proponent of the renewable energy industry and, with this financing, will build the largest rooftop solar project in the US." -
Walking, the Ideal Exercise
"Walking is commonly known as “the ideal exercise.” Almost anyone can do it almost anywhere, and of all of the Paleo exercises, walking is the most gentle, which means that it’s a great way to curtail the sedentary lifestyle dominating American culture today." - PaleoTerran
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