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The Paleolithic Diet: A New Look at Our Oldest Diet (Part I)

Some attribute the increase in obesity, an underlying factor in many of the modern diseases, to a lack of will power, a puzzling argument that fails to explain the increasing body mass over the past three decades. Others blame easy availability of food and lack of exercise: we take in too many calories and don’t burn enough. The simplistic solution proposed: eat less and exercise more. While our sedentary lifestyle contributes to obesity, the real culprit is low-quality fuel. We chose, and are surrounded by, low quality foods. Physical anthropologist Gary J. Sawyer puts it simply:

"We do not know how to eat properly. We feed ourselves, but we fail to give ourselves proper nutrition."

The magazine artist chose the above illustration. I would have added more protein. Still, a nice illustration.

Read the rest of my article at Living Well

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