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Western diets & Depression

In a previous post, I wrote about depression being considered an inflammatory and degenerative disorder. In a recent post on Primal Docs,  writes an opinion piece on depression and nutrition:

"It is clear that ingesting unhealthy and/or processed food and abstaining from nutrient dense quality food is correlated with higher depression rates and depressive symptoms. This is likely due to the innate connection between the body and the mind via biological issues, such as inflammation, oxidative processes, and brain plasticity and function, which are altered due to diet quality and nutrient intake. Being able to determine precisely which foods positively and negatively affect depression, and its various forms, has the potential to dramatically change both the number of people suffering from this illness and the way in which it is treated."

Learn More: 
Nutrient-Rich Food and Depression – Part 1 of 2

Related Post
Is depression an inflammatory & degenerative disorder?

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