Simply Paleo: Sautéed Chicken with Broccoli and Carrots

By John Michael
Each Simply Paleo features a Paleo meal that requires minimal effort and delivers maximal tastiness. With these meals, preparation time, from washing the veggies, to preparing the plate, should be no longer than twenty-five minutes.
Sautéed Chicken with Broccoli and Carrots:
- Half a crown of broccoli
- Half a carrot
- 1 Skinless, boneless chicken breast
- 1 Clove of garlic
- Herbs/spices of your choice
- 1-2 Tbsp. Olive oil
Start with a skillet, and add about a tablespoon of olive oil to it. Then chop your clove of garlic, and add it to the pan. After washing your veggies, chop both the carrot and the broccoli, and then add those as well. At this point, turn on the heat, setting the flame at medium. (You may also want to cover the pan to decrease cooking time.) While the vegetables cook, cut the chicken breast into knuckle-sized cubes. Then toss these cubes into the pan, alongside the vegetables. I find that at this point it’s best to season, as whatever herbs and spices I drop in the pan will stick to the raw chicken as it cooks. Alternate between leaving the pan covered, and then removing its cover and shuffling the veggies and chicken around so they don’t burn. If necessary, add a bit more olive oil, but be sparing. Cook time should take no more than fifteen minutes. Adding in five minutes for washing and chopping the veggies brings the total time for this dish to twenty minutes.
Overall, this is a savory meal, although one finds a bit of sweetness in the carrots, and the hearty flavor of the chicken is offset by the broccoli's faint bitterness.