Simply Paleo: Pan-Fried Salmon Steak with Brussels Sprouts

By John Michael
Each Simply Paleo features a Paleo meal that requires minimal effort and delivers maximal tastiness. With these meals, preparation time, from washing the veggies, to preparing the plate, should be no longer than twenty-five minutes.
Pan-Fried Salmon Steak with Brussels Sprouts
- 12 – 14 Brussels Sprouts
- 1 Salmon Steak
- 2-3 Tbsp. Sunflower Seed Oil
Take a few minutes to cut your Brussels sprouts in half; this will reduce your preparation time, and ensure that the sprouts are cooked evenly. Then add a few drops of sunflower seed oil to your pan, set the flame to medium-high, and then toss your sliced Brussels sprouts in. Allow them to soak up the oil as the pan gets hot, and then, once the oil has more or less vanished, drop a swig of water into the pan, and then cover it with a lid. This quick steaming will speed the cook time of the sprouts without making them mushy. After four or five minutes, and once the water has completely evaporated, add 2 tablespoons of sunflower seed oil to the pan, and then, after reducing your flame to low-medium heat, drop your salmon steak in with the Brussels sprouts. Keeping the flame low is important; if too high, the salmon will stick to the pan, and begin to break apart in flakes as it cooks. Every five minutes for the next fifteen, flip your salmon steak so that a different side touches the pan; I find I get the best results if I cook every side except for the one with skin. After twenty minutes, turn off the heat, and then transfer your salmon and Brussels sprouts to a plate. With five minutes to cut your veggies, and twenty minutes for cooking them with the salmon, the total time for this dish comes to twenty-five minutes.
Salmon is one of my favorite fish, and cooking it in this simple manner allows the meal to be dominated by its rich and succulent flavor, which is then contrasted pleasingly by the leafy heartiness and faint vegetal bitterness of the Brussels sprouts. Don’t be surprised if, with this meal, you find yourself eating every morsel on your plate.