Paleo & Primal recipes / June 2012

Episode 8.0 Slow-Cooked Pork Roast with Apples & Onions - Counter Culture Cooking
Asian Style Salmon Parcels
"These tasty Salmon parcels are inspired with an asian twist and make a wonderful lunch or dinner paleo recipes." - Paleo Weight Loss Coach
Roasted Cactus Salad with Shrimp
“If you’ve been deterred from eating cactus because of the rumor that it has a slimy texture you should know that this rumor’s only half true.” - Mark's Daily Apple
Delicious Paleo Indonesian Chicken and Jackfruit Coconut Curry
“The Jackfruit is the largest cultivated fruit in the world, getting from 15lbs to over 70lbs each (yeah, that’s right… 70lbs!!!).” - My Paleo Life
Too Easy Chicken Adobo and Roasted Greens with Beets and Garlic
“Adobo is an extremely popular Filipino dish and the other night I made a super fast version of this yummy meal using coconut aminos instead of the standard soy sauce and the end result was delicious!” - Everyday Paleo
Duck a l’Orange
"After a quick google search, I found a recipe for Duck a l’Orange on Epicurious that looked tasty, and like it could be easily modified to fit our “primal palates” nicely." - The Food Lovers Kitchen
Cumin and Citrus Roasted Carrots
"It’s simple to make and totally delicious; you’ll friends will wonder how you came up with these flavors. Set aside some of the marinade and serve it over grilled fish, such as Spanish mackerel." – Three Squares