Entries in psychiatry (2)


Post-partum depression and "the promise-filled halls of psychiatry"

"Annie was ushered into the promise-filled halls of psychiatry three months after the birth of her first baby when she began to experience racing heart, insomnia, vigilance, irritability, and a host of physical complaints including joint pain and hair loss. No one did blood work, asked about her diet, or cared about any of the myriad observations about her body and its changes in functioning. This was a “head-up” intervention. I believe women deserve better. People deserve better."

Read More: The New Psychiatry: Forget Everything 
You Think You Know About Mental Health


Does an inflammatory diet play a role in schizophrenia?

"Overall, there is accumulating evidence, albeit mostly adjunctive treatments, that agents working on inflammatory pathways have some benefits in people with schizophrenia. In the next few years the field will begin to see data on many treatments with anti-inflammatory properties that are currently under study. Hopefully advancements in understanding inflammation and effective treatments having anti-inflammatory properties may help revolutionize our understanding and provide new targets for prevention and treatment in schizophrenia."

Source: A review of anti-inflammatory agents for symptoms of schizophrenia.