My son screamed at me: “IT’S NOT ABOUT THE CALORIES!”

I always had a weight problem. In my mind, I knew how to diet and I knew about nutrition. For the longest time, I really tried to follow what I thought was right-mainly counting calories. But my life was crazy: I was working 60-80 hours a week and raising three kids. Eventually, I just gave up. I gained SOOOO much weight. I gained 70 pounds. I was trying my best to stay active-I walked the dog, chased the kids around, but was still rapidly gaining weight. Finally, I went to see a doctor. His suggestion? To cut my caloric intake to 800 calories a day.
After the doctor visit, I went home to see my son. He was the one who introduced me to Crossfit and Paleo, and basically screamed at me, “IT’S NOT ABOUT THE CALORIES!”
Paleo Inspiration: Jeanne’s Story
via The Food Lover's Kitchen