SUNDAY PALEO / December 18, 2011

Grey Glacier, Patagonia, Chile
77,000-Year-Old Evidence for 'Bedding' and Use of Medicinal Plants Uncovered at South African Rock Shelter
“The oldest evidence for bedding at the site is particularly well-preserved, and consists of a layer of fossilized sedge stems and leaves, overlain by a tissue-paper-thin layer of leaves, identified by botanist Marion Bamford as belonging to Cryptocarya woodii, or River Wild-quince. The leaves of this tree contain chemicals that are insecticidal, and would be suitable for repelling mosquitoes.” – Science Daily
Is the Lion Man a Woman? Solving the Mystery of a 35,000-Year-Old Statue
“Archeologists have discovered previously unknown fragments of a figurine known as the "Lion Man," and are piecing it back together. Could the 35,000-year-old statue actually represent a female shaman? Scientists hope to resolve a decades-long debate.” - Spiegel Online
What to Eat and What to Avoid for Lifelong Health
“I’ve given you a few basic tools to identify what foods might be preventing fat loss and promoting poor health, so you generally know what not to do, but now you want the details on what you should be doing. Specifically, what you should and should not be eating. Let’s bring it all together and spell it out.” – Mark’s Daily Apple
Why Eating Animals Makes Everything Easier
“The problem is that many of us are broken. Sedentary living, modern food toxins, too much stress, not enough sleep, and a distinct lack of play for play’s sake (more on this later, if you’re confused about why I’d rank “play” with all the other stuff) have fundamentally changed the way we process fuel.” – Mark’s Daily Apple
Scrumptious Salmon Chowder
“…last night I wanted soup to warm us up and I searched around my fridge and pantry for what would work and came up with a delicious salmon chowder using some amazing wild caught salmon filets from our local supplier."- Everyday Paleo
Dark Chocolate Macadamia Bark Sprinkled with Sea Salt
"When your sweet tooth goes looking for the ultimate dessert indulgence this year, look no further. Dark Chocolate Macadamia Bark Sprinkled with Sea Salt tastes fully and completely like “real” dessert. Not only will you enjoy every bite, so will the family and friends that you gift it to (hint, hint, don’t eat it all yourself!)" - Mark's Daily Apple
It Could Be Old Age, or It Could Be Low B12
“As we age, our ability to absorb B12 from food declines, and often so does our consumption of foods rich in this vitamin. A B12 deficiency can creep up without warning and cause a host of confusing symptoms that are likely to be misdiagnosed or ascribed to aging.” – The New York Times
Confessions of a former Coke addict
“Yes, I've battled a Coke "addiction" more than once. Just when I think I have it beat, it worms its way back into my life. No, this Coke isn't that white, powdery stuff; it comes in a can, and my drug of choice is Cherry Coke Zero.” - Grist
Too much booze blunts your immune system
“Alcohol blunted the monocytes' defences. When the over-the-limit cells were exposed to a virus mimic, they produced only a quarter as much of the virus-fighting signalling molecule called type-1 interferon as teetotal monocytes made.” – New Scientist
Fruits and Vegetables Reduce Risks of Specific Types of Colorectal Cancers, Study Finds
“The effects of fruit and vegetable consumption on colorectal cancer (CRC) appear to differ by site of origin, according to a new study published in the October issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.” – Science Daily
Farming: A New York state of mind
“New York has a lot to offer -- farming is no exception. This week, we visited three very different farmers and heard their take on the city and how growing food plays a role in (and is influenced by) the Big Apple.” - Grist

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