Entries in hypertension (2)


Amanda’s journey from sick to wonderful

“In December 2009, I was 25 years old and weighed 210 lbs. I was obese for my 5’5″ frame, never felt well, and was popping handfuls of pills every day just to get by. I was taking 2 anti-depressants, anxiolytics, prescription sleeping pills, courses of Prilosec once or twice a month, acid-blocking pills or antacid tablets 1-3 times a day, anti-diarrhea pills several days a week, and I was constantly catching respiratory infections and frequently took courses of antibiotics. 

“… one fateful day somebody posted a link to Mark’s Daily Apple.”

“I was completely blown away. Everything I thought I knew to be true about diet, health, and weight loss was all wrong.” 

Learn more: I Am Strong, Energized, Off All Medications, and Feel Wonderful!


Oceana report: Less ocean-based protein for "costal & small island developing nations"

Image: Oceana

"Coastal and small island developing nations are vulnerability hotspots to food security risks from climate change, ocean acidification and both combined. Many of the high-ranking nations based on climate change indicators are located in the tropics and low latitudes."

"Wild caught seafood is often one of the healthiest and most accessible options for protein in coastal and small island nations. Losing this resource may mean more dependence on less healthy processed foods that are imported from abroad. Communities that have recently made a shift from eating traditional seafood items to importing cheap, processed foods have suffered widespread health problems. For example, in Pacific Island nations about 40 percent of the population has been diagnosed with diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or hypertension. Losing seafood accessibility due to changing ocean conditions may further expand these nationwide health crises."

Ocean-Based Food Security Threatened in a High CO2 World