THE WEIGHT OF THE NATION, Part One: Consequences of Obesity

By Suzanne
According to Donald Lloyd-Jones MD, Chair of Preventive Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, ideal cardiovascular health is characterized by meeting each of the following criteria:
- Optimal levels of total cholesterol
- Normal blood pressure
- Not having diabetes
- Having a lean BMI
- Not smoking
- Participating in recommended levels of physical activity
- Pursuing a healthy diet
How do you measure up? Surprisingly, less than 1% of the United States population currently meet these criteria. A key reason: overweight and obesity affect 69% of the U.S. population. The initial one hour segment of the WEIGHT OF THE NATION focuses upon the health consequences of overweight and obesity. Together, they are creating a tsunami of chronic disease costing an additional $150 Billion in health care costs.
See PART I here.
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