Entries in Terra (2)


PaleoTerran Enters Dormancy. Thanks.

Thank you for visiting PaleoTerran over the past couple of years! This is the last post before PaleoTerran enters dormancy. For now, the content will remain online. Hopefully someday, the site will reawaken.

A special thanks to John Michael and Leslie Why Reap for their contributions and encouragement.

For those new to Paleo/Primal health, the Start Here page provides some introductory articles and a few links. Much more is available by browsing or using the Search box or Categories menu.  

As noted in the previous post, 2013 & The Urge to Explore, we are entering a new era of exploration in search of new ideas, new directions, and new horizons. My online effort has shifted to the development of a new professional forum called Chiari Medicine. On occasion, I will post on Paleo/Primal health on the PrimalDocs website. 

This is one of my favorite images. Nestled in southern France, this stream runs below a cliff-side hominid cave occupied 400,000 years ago. Although the occupants were not our direct ancestors, the image takes us back to the Garden. Yes, there were threats. But also clean air, clean water, and a rich, productive environment.  And also, as Mark Sisson would likely say, it was, and remains, a great place to play. While we may not want to return to the Paleolithic, we don't want to loose the Terra we have. 

Human health and the health of our environment are fundamental to our future. Both are under threat. By taking care of ourselves using clues from our Paleolithic ancestors and by taking care of Terra, we become paleoterrans. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors were consummate explorers relying on cunning, physical skills and social bonds. In this spirit, let’s push forward to explorer new ideas, new directions, and new horizons.

Take care,

John J. Oró, MD


SUNDAY PALEO / December 25, 2011

Happy Holidays! Thank you for visiting this past year.
We wish you a Healthy and Happy New Year!


Barefoot running: bad or beneficial?
"I'm constantly scanning the terrain, dodging rougher areas and taking a much more meandering line, which works different sets of muscles. It's almost like dancing. But the moment I put shoes on, most of that sensitivity is gone." - MSNBC

2012 Summer 5 Day Workshops!
“We are happy to announce our 2012 Summer 5 Day workshop schedule.  These workshops give participants the unique opportunity to reconnect with their true nature in the beautiful woods of WV.  Participants will enjoy camping, learn lots of new movement techniques, become a part of the MovNat "tribe", and most of all have fun.” - MovNat


The 5 States With the Most Installed Wind and Solar Power Saw the Least Increase in Electricity Prices from 2005-2010
“The findings presented here show quite clearly that states with high volumes of wind and solar PV have seen well below average cost increases. When this fact is considered in conjunction with the various health, environmental, energy security, and job creation benefits of renewable forms of generation, it helps to form a compelling argument in their favor.” - Think Progress

Facebook & Greenpeace Join to Ramp Up Renewable Energy
"‘Facebook looks forward to a day when our primary energy sources are renewable, and we are working with Greenpeace and others to help bring that day closer,’ says Marcy Scott Lynn of Facebook's sustainability program. "As an important step, our data center siting policy now states a preference for access to renewable energy.” - Sustainable Business


This amazing off-grid hobbit house cost less than $5,000 to build - Grist


The Truth About Gluten
"‘We're cleaner than we used to be,’ Fasano said, and our general cleanliness may lead to overactive immune systems and a less stable environment for healthy gut bacteria. Additionally, celiac disease may be on the rise because we eat more wheat products now than our ancestors did, and that wheat contains more gluten.” - MyHealthNewsDaily

The Paleo Diet And Gout
“Part of the treatment for gout, which is a form of arthritis, is avoiding of high-purine as well as high-fructose foods. The Paleo diet, which is based on foods your hunter-gatherer ancestors ate thousands of years ago, may be beneficial for gout.” - Livestrong


Cereal? Cookies? Oh, What’s the Diff?
“So for more than half a century well-intentioned parents have been torn between their desperation to get their kids to eat something, anything, and the knowledge that most packaged breakfast cereals are little better than cookies. … It turns out that from at least the perspective of sugar content, many are worse...” - The New York Times


Standing Rib Roast 
This holiday season we enjoyed a standing rib roast, also known as prime rib. This amazing cut of meat is sure to dazzle any dinner guests you have during the holidays. - Primal Palate

Tender Prime Rib Roast with Mushroom and Bacon Sauté
“Prime rib is a cut of meat that’s perfect for special occasion feasts in more ways than one. Served in supple, thick slices that are marbled with fat, it’s a decadent and impressive main course.” - Mark's Daily Apple

Grain-free Christmas Cookie Roundup 
To give you something festive to munch on for the next few days, we thought we'd put up a collection of holiday-appropriate cookies for you to make and share with your families! - Primal Palate


How the Bears Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Primal Lifestyle 
There are two thoughts I clearly remember having in my lifetime: I am overweight, but I no longer care about how I look and I am fine with being this way for the rest of my life. My husband is likely to die of a heart attack sometime soon and there is nothing I can do about it." - Mark's Daily Apple


The Greater Gila: America's First Wilderness
“The Gila has been referred to as the Yellowstone of the Southwest for its size, wildness, and nearly complete suite of natural processes and wildlife populations. Extensive roadless areas, wilderness and old growth forests, unparalleled wildlife—including Mexican spotted owl, Mexican gray wolves, jaguars, and endemic trout and other native fish - make the Gila Bioregion very special with the potential to be the crown jewel of a wild southwest.” - Wild Earth Guardians