SUNDAY PALEO / October 16, 2011

Late afternoon in Grand County, Colorado. October 2011. Image: CyberMed
Vermont Eyes 90% Renewable Energy Use By 2050
"The plan, the culmination of Gov. Peter Shumlin's efforts to move the state toward a sustainable energy future, calls for the development of cleantech projects, energy conservation, increasing residential and commercial electrical and heating efficiency and making a push toward establishing plug-in electric vehicle infrastructure." - EnergyBoom
7 ways to protect your heart before it breaks
"Your heart is one impressive, overachieving organ: In the minute it takes you to read these paragraphs, it will have pushed a whopping 1.5 gallons of blood through 60,000 miles of blood vessels—that's more than twice the circumference of Earth. Yet despite your ticker's superpowers (and the fact that it keeps you, well, alive), most women don't do enough to safeguard their heart health." - TodayHealth
How I Would Change Gym Class
"No, I’m not considering a new career path, and no, this isn’t a policy discussion. I’m not proposing comprehensive school reform (although that’s probably what it’d take to work). I’m just having fun. In the process, hopefully I outline some tangible activities you parents find helpful enough to try." - Mark's Daily Apple
Paleolithic eaters find community at breakfast
"Layton started the Facebook group Eating Paleo in Montreal a year ago. Roughly one hundred local dieters, from professional athletes to firsttimers, exchange recipes, review restaurants and list grocery store finds. They also organize monthly breakfasts." - The Gazette
Could you go without processed foods for a month?
"Because eating well doesn't just make us healthier, it makes us happier. "It feels really good," Wilder said. "Physically, yes, but emotionally, too. I can't think of a better way to have good relationships with people than around the dinner table." - Grist
Bad Genes? Fruits and Vegetables Fight Heart Disease Risk
"In a new study, people with alterations in a gene called 9p21 had an increased risk of having a heart attack. But if they ate a diet high in raw fruits and vegetables, that increase was virtually eliminated." - MyHealthNewsDaily
My Escape From Vegetarianism
"To other vegetarians, I know that any time a former vegetarian speaks about their negative experiences with vegetarianism, it can feel almost like an insult to their own beliefs. Which is why people like Lierre Keith who have spoken out publicly (and in her excellent book, The Vegetarian Myth) have been violently attacked for doing so. So it's not easy finding the right words to describe my own personal experience." - Everymon to Ironmom
Primal Texas Chili
"Texas chili doesn’t let anything get in the way of and distract from the two main ingredients, chunks of beef and chili powder. Hearty, heavily seasoned and ranging from a bit of heat to fiery-hot, this is the type of chili that’s so thick you almost need a fork to eat it." - Mark's Daily Apple
Grilled Chicken Kabobs
"This weekend we decided to make the most of the summer weather (hitting 80 in October is definitely summer weather when you live in the north east) and make some grilled chicken kabobs. It was really easy and turned out delicious." - Against the Grain
How I Lost 70 Pounds On The Primal Diet
"Losing weight is a challenge. It has taken me most of my adult life to find a workable way to do it. Along the way I have tried many, many different approaches from heavy exercise regiments, to calorie restriction and even becoming a vegetarian. Up until about one year ago ..." - Courageos Mind