SUNDAY PALEO / February 5, 2012

Enjoy NASA's new image of the "Blue Marble."
The video above, by NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, shows the temperature of Terra since 1880. Maybe the "Blue Marble" is developing a fever?
Travelling to southern France? You may want to visit the upper Paleolithic cave Abri Pataud occupied by Paleo ancestors 20-40 thousand years ago. The site contains “lots of evidence for Upper Paleolithic art work--drawings, paintings, carvings, personal ornaments, even a venus figurine.” A brief description, including a link to the museum, was recently posted here.
Speaking of venous figurines, here are some thoughts on why they were rotund.
Looking for an folding electric car? One with robot wheels that spin the car into a parking space 1/3 the size of that for a standard car? The Hiriko CityCar in the video above was designed by Boston's MIT Media Lab and will be built by a consortium of firms in the Basque province of Spain. Hiriko means "urban" in Basque.
Or, maybe you are looking for 8 tounge-in-cheek criticisms of the Paleo diet. Look no futher.
Wondering where your Paleo vegetables and fruits will be coming from? Fortunately, urban farming is on the move as evidenced by recent activity in San Diego, Los Angeles, and, if proposed amendments pass, in Minneapolis.
Maybe you are looking for a comic book on urban farming? Brink City: Green in the Ghetto is just getting started.
Finally, Nathan Seppa of Science News reports on new research showing how massage helps sore muscle recover:
Researchers from Ontario and California have found clear molecular signs that overworked muscle cells respond to being manipulated by massage. They also found measurable decreases in inflammatory compounds in massaged muscle tissue and indications that muscle cells rev up their energy processors for the inevitable repairs that follow hard exercise.