Entries in Sunday Paleo (35)


SUNDAY PALEO / February 5, 2012

Enjoy NASA's new image of the "Blue Marble." 

The video above, by NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, shows the temperature of Terra since 1880. Maybe the "Blue Marble" is developing a fever? 

Travelling to southern France? You may want to visit the upper Paleolithic cave Abri Pataud occupied by Paleo ancestors 20-40 thousand years ago. The site contains “lots of evidence for Upper Paleolithic art work--drawings, paintings, carvings, personal ornaments, even a venus figurine.” A brief description, including a link to the museum, was recently posted here.

Speaking of venous figurines, here are some thoughts on why they were rotund.

Looking for an folding electric car? One with robot wheels that spin the car into a parking space 1/3 the size of that for a standard car? The Hiriko CityCar in the video above was designed by Boston's MIT Media Lab and will be built by a consortium of firms in the Basque province of Spain. Hiriko means "urban" in Basque.

Or, maybe you are looking for 8 tounge-in-cheek criticisms of the Paleo diet. Look no futher

Wondering where your Paleo vegetables and fruits will be coming from? Fortunately, urban farming is on the move as evidenced by recent activity in San Diego, Los Angeles, and, if proposed amendments pass, in Minneapolis.

Maybe you are looking for a comic book on urban farming? Brink City: Green in the Ghetto is just getting started.

Finally, Nathan Seppa of Science News reports on new research showing how massage helps sore muscle recover:

Researchers from Ontario and California have found clear molecular signs that overworked muscle cells respond to being manipulated by massage. They also found measurable decreases in inflammatory compounds in massaged muscle tissue and indications that muscle cells rev up their energy processors for the inevitable repairs that follow hard exercise.


SUNDAY PALEO / January 29, 2012

Chef Harvests Herbs and Vegetables from Urban Restaurant Rooftop Garden. iStockphotoDon't hold your breath for the USDA or a major health organization to recommend the Paleo diet. There is not enough of this food to go around; the diet will not "scale."

However, there is a glimmer of hope in the form of urban farming. In cities throughout the country, the movement is slowly taking shape. This Sunday, we look at some of the recent activity.

In the Salon article, Urban gardens: The future of food?, Will Doig writes:

Right now, urban-grown produce represents a minuscule slice of the food system. But there are several plausible scenarios that could make such food more commonplace in the city kitchen of the future.

...urban farming may carve a path to sustainable success by creating a new type of subsystem within the larger food system — one that’s bigger than boutique but smaller than Big Agra.

More importantly, as noted by urban agriculture pioneer Dr. Dave Schemberger, locally grown food is healthier: 

Chronic illness is exacerbated by eating hollow food which has lost its nutritional value from spending too much time on a truck or grocery store shelf. We can prevent and reverse much of the disease found in our modern life by avoiding processed food and consuming more raw fruits and vegetables close to the time they are harvested.

(However, cooking has it's benefits. Cooking increases access to nutrients in some foods and is believed to have been important in the expansion of the hominid brain.)

Many U.S. cities have active urban farming programs. Last year, San Francisco passed the Planning Code Amendment on Urban Agriculture making commercial garden and small farm sites legal in the city. This year, "Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed will break ground on the Trinity Ave. farm across from City Hall". A planning department’s proposal in New York City, if approved, would allow "1,200 acres of empty, flat rooftops" to be "eligible for green penthouses."

To find urban farming activities near you, do an online search on "urban farming" and the name of your community. 

Want to become an urban farmer? Try this guide by Novella Carpenter and Willow Rosenthal: The Essential Urban Farmer. Hannah Wallace interviews the authors and poses a number of questions including:

Starting an urban farm demands a lot of work–not to mention money. You need to pay for water, buy liability insurance, equipment, wood and nails for raised beds, maybe even hoop houses. Are there funds would-be gardeners can apply for if they don’t have enough of their own money?


SUNDAY PALEO / January 22, 2012

Puerto Arenas on the Straight of Magellan, Chile.

… Dr. Frassetto and her team at the University of California in San Francisco tested the Paleo-diet on out-of-shape volunteers. The group ate lots of food without losing any weight or exercising. “In two weeks, everybody’s blood pressure went down and everybody’s cholesterol and triglyceride levels got better. The average drop was 30 points, which was pretty amazing. It’s the type of drop you get by taking statins for six months,” said Dr. Frassetto.

from Can a Stone Age Diet Make You Healthier?

Looking for great Paleo recipes? Sarah Fragoso at Everyday Paleo prepares Yummy Greek Meatballs, Mark Sisson at Mark's Daily Apple prepares Primal Scotch Eggs, and Live Caveman prepares Roasted Beef Ribs. Concerned about the cost? NorthWest CaveGirls provide some advice and links.

Hayley and Bill over at Primal Palate have a new cookbook full of great recipes and continue to add new ones to their site such as this week' Spicy Cinnamon Lamb Steaks. Their cookbook has recently been reviewed at PrimalDocs.com.

Speaking of books, Mark Sisson just updated The Primal Blueprint in a new paperback edition. Also, Tom Woods recently interviewed Mark on Primal nutrition and exercise (below). Tom was psyched to hear everyone he talked to was enthusiastic about the diet. As one person told him:

Do it. It’s the best thing I ever did.


SUNDAY PALEO / January 15, 2012

Adding color to our walls has not changed much in 25,000 years.By Dr. John

Scicurious, at Scientific American Blogs, notes that the Paleolithic diet is “pretty popular among Americans right now.” However, he questions how well we know the details of our ancestors' diet, especially when it comes to fish. Did our ancestors deep sea fish 40,000 years ago? In Does your Paleolithic diet allow tuna?, Scicurious reviews new evidence from Papua New Guinea and nearby islands, such as a cave in the island of East Timor:

The cave holds evidence of a VERY long period of human habitation, with carbon dating showing artifacts as old as 42,000 years before present all the way to the modern period (or at least around 5,000 years ago). Among the shells, beads, stone artifacts, and bone points, are fish bones. LOADS of fish bones. The authors recovered over 38,000 fish bones, representing almost 800 species of fish. And not all of these fish were shallow water specimens. In fact, there were a lot of Scombridae specimens, the tuna group, and these specimens reached back almost to the base of the bone pile, estimated to be, at the bottom, around 42,000 years old.

Is it dinnertime? Although not fish recipes, here are some great Paleo/Primal meals to consider:

Fajita Frittata with Avocado Salsa

Oven Roast Chicken with Truffle Salt and Thyme

Slow Cooked Lamb Roast

You're eating well and starting to see some results from your Primal or Paleo diet. What about exercise? Is it time to start lifting weights? Maybe do some cardio? These should be easy decisions, but when you consider our Paleolithic ancestors, things get tricky. Josh Noel wonders, if our “modern notion of exercise has gone astray?” Learn more on this brewing controversy at Train like a caveman

Erwan Le Corre, founder of MovNat, suggests the way to determine how to exercise is to ask: What is the best fitness regimen for a tiger (or a tigress)?

So isn’t it high time for a healthy and meaningful paradigm shift in the way society and the fitness industry approaches fitness?  In the way you are personally approaching exercising?  Aren’t you thirsty for authentic human movement?

Here’s the right answer: in order to become and stay optimally fit, a tiger needs to move the way tigers move in their natural biome.  It is that simple.  Tigers will move naturally when they’re free to live the natural life every tiger should live; as will all other wild animals.

Read the post and let me know what do you think. Does it take more for us to regain or maintain fitness than "authentic human movement"? 

Finally, take a look at the recent post by John Michael and contribute your thoughts to Notes on a Manifesto.


SUNDAY PALEO / January 8, 2012

This beautiful image of the Omega nebula, a stellar nursery located in the constellation Sagittarius, was taken using the Very Large Telescope located in the Atacama Desert of Chile. Light from these newborn stars will take 6,500 light-years to reach Earth. (image via Wired

Hold on, we are now jumping back to....Paleo bling!? Hang this 9 cm stone pendant around your neck with a leather strap and you would be stylish 25,000 years ago. It would probably go well with your pelt. The pendant, found in the Basque province of Spain, was used for sharpening stone tools. Form, function and fashion.  

Our Paleolithic ancestors' survival depended on stone tools and what we know of their diet points to an overall robust health. Today, even though we have wonderful tools that allow us to peer into deep space, we have lost sight of our original health and our original diet. Although the Paleo diet varied in different parts of the world, it did not include processed foods, sugar, bread, pasta, pastries, cookies, candy….. (That sentence may be a hard to read for some.) If you want to know what the Paleo diet is not, go to your local Starbucks and look at the top shelf. Also, be wary of much of what exists on the second and third shelves.

Fortunately, a growing number of people are rediscovering the original human diet. The State Journal of West Virginia has a story on Kimberly Huneycutt:

“A former California girl, Huneycutt found herself at the age of 40, unhealthy, aged beyond her years and tired after a life spent in the sun and eating a traditional "American" diet that included processed foods.”

"It's been really amazing," says Honeycutt about the transformation she experienced on the Paleo diet. 

Nutritionist Stella Metsovas has developed the Paleo Mediterranean diet. Although the “Mediterranean principles” she uses are not clear from this brief article, the description of Paleo diet is solid:

“The Paleolithic diet consists of grass-fed meat, free-range fowl or wild-caught fish, seasonal fruits and vegetables, and generous portions of healthy fats – including nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil and coconut oil. Grains, legumes, dairy products, sugar, vegetable oils and processed foods are absent from this diet.”

You might not start at grass-fed, free-range, or wild-caught stage, but switching to fish, meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts and berries will put you leagues away for all that stuff on the top shelf.

Maybe you are concerned about starting the Paleo diet because of harm to animals. Unfortunately, as a look at the numbers in Australia shows, no one gets off the hook on this one. However, the Paleo diet appears to be the better choice. When you compare the use of rangelands versus croplands on animal life, the numbers don’t look good for agriculture.

Relying on grains and pulses brings destruction of native ecosystems, significant threats to native species and at least 25 times more deaths of sentient animals per kilogram of food.

Finally, in the category “if we trash the planet, we trash ourselves”, the good news is that global investment in cleantech companies increased by 13% to $8.99 billion in 2011. Better yet, the Cleantech Group believes “2012 will be an all-time record year for global cleantech investments." 


SUNDAY PALEO / January 1, 2012

Wishing you a Healthy and Happy New Year!

May we be better stewards of our planetary home.

The format of SUNDAY PALEO has changed. As suggested by John Michael, instead of block quotes, I will share a few thoughts on the links presented. Here goes. I sure my approach will need refinement.

Moving from fad to trend. If you have been in Primal/Paleo for a while, on occasion you may have heard this dietary approach referred to as a fad. (My answer: Since Homo sapiens is about 190,000 years old, if the Paleo diet is a fad, it is the longest-lived fad we know of.) Now, at least according to trendy Shape magazine, instead of a fad, the Paleo diet is the number one trend in the Top 10 Weight-Loss Trends of 2011.

Even some vegetarians are starting to add animal protein to their diet. Among the most cathartic and controversial transformations was revealed by Lierre Keith in The Vegetarian Myth. More recently, a group of “longtime vegetarians” assessed the idea of adding meat to their diet and concluded that what is required is “a new ethics of eating animals: one rooted in moderation, mindfulness, and respect.”

Success Stories on the Primal/Paleo diet are always encouraging and sometimes amazing. Mark Sisson has now grouped some of the success stories he receives from his readers into a section of his website.

And, don’t forget the role of fasting as presented recently by John Michael. (We thank the avid fans at Reddit for making the Paleo Fasting post the most popular on PaleoTerran.)

The brain is picky. Not only does it live in a protected and pressurized environment, it is also very demanding of energy and nutrients. The shortage of one crucial nutrient can cause brain malfunction. For example, a shortage of B12 can make someone appear demented. As Ms. Atkins elderly mother became confused, the first impression was that she was developing dementia. Instead, the primary culprit was a vitamin B12 deficiency. Weekly B12 injections helped Ms. Atkins’ mother recover enough to allow her to live independently.

We owe a lot to mice, at least in regard to studies on health. Now these little creatures are teaching us that the typical Western diet speeds the growth of tumor cells in comparison to a diet higher in protein. This is another study supporting the concepts of the Paleo diet.

In the long run, taking care of our health is not enough if we trash the planet. A powerful way to reduce the impact of the anthropocene is to transition to electric-powered vehicles - as long as the electricity is generated from renewable resources.

However, battery-powered vehicles have limited range and need recharging for long trips. So, where to recharge? Those on the West Coast will have the West Coast Electric Highway. And, if you live in Bellingham Washington, the first fast-charging station that will “provide a 30-minute recharge for all-electric vehicles.”

Solar power is becoming an increasingly effective and important source of renewable energy. India, one of many countries expanding its use, is making progress to a goal thought impossible by many: deliver 20,000 megawatts of solar power by 2020 — “enough electricity to power the equivalent of up to 3.3 million modern American homes during daylight hours.” A success story in the making.

I welcome your feedback in the comments section or to paleoterran@gmail.com


SUNDAY PALEO / December 25, 2011

Happy Holidays! Thank you for visiting this past year.
We wish you a Healthy and Happy New Year!


Barefoot running: bad or beneficial?
"I'm constantly scanning the terrain, dodging rougher areas and taking a much more meandering line, which works different sets of muscles. It's almost like dancing. But the moment I put shoes on, most of that sensitivity is gone." - MSNBC

2012 Summer 5 Day Workshops!
“We are happy to announce our 2012 Summer 5 Day workshop schedule.  These workshops give participants the unique opportunity to reconnect with their true nature in the beautiful woods of WV.  Participants will enjoy camping, learn lots of new movement techniques, become a part of the MovNat "tribe", and most of all have fun.” - MovNat


The 5 States With the Most Installed Wind and Solar Power Saw the Least Increase in Electricity Prices from 2005-2010
“The findings presented here show quite clearly that states with high volumes of wind and solar PV have seen well below average cost increases. When this fact is considered in conjunction with the various health, environmental, energy security, and job creation benefits of renewable forms of generation, it helps to form a compelling argument in their favor.” - Think Progress

Facebook & Greenpeace Join to Ramp Up Renewable Energy
"‘Facebook looks forward to a day when our primary energy sources are renewable, and we are working with Greenpeace and others to help bring that day closer,’ says Marcy Scott Lynn of Facebook's sustainability program. "As an important step, our data center siting policy now states a preference for access to renewable energy.” - Sustainable Business


This amazing off-grid hobbit house cost less than $5,000 to build - Grist


The Truth About Gluten
"‘We're cleaner than we used to be,’ Fasano said, and our general cleanliness may lead to overactive immune systems and a less stable environment for healthy gut bacteria. Additionally, celiac disease may be on the rise because we eat more wheat products now than our ancestors did, and that wheat contains more gluten.” - MyHealthNewsDaily

The Paleo Diet And Gout
“Part of the treatment for gout, which is a form of arthritis, is avoiding of high-purine as well as high-fructose foods. The Paleo diet, which is based on foods your hunter-gatherer ancestors ate thousands of years ago, may be beneficial for gout.” - Livestrong


Cereal? Cookies? Oh, What’s the Diff?
“So for more than half a century well-intentioned parents have been torn between their desperation to get their kids to eat something, anything, and the knowledge that most packaged breakfast cereals are little better than cookies. … It turns out that from at least the perspective of sugar content, many are worse...” - The New York Times


Standing Rib Roast 
This holiday season we enjoyed a standing rib roast, also known as prime rib. This amazing cut of meat is sure to dazzle any dinner guests you have during the holidays. - Primal Palate

Tender Prime Rib Roast with Mushroom and Bacon Sauté
“Prime rib is a cut of meat that’s perfect for special occasion feasts in more ways than one. Served in supple, thick slices that are marbled with fat, it’s a decadent and impressive main course.” - Mark's Daily Apple

Grain-free Christmas Cookie Roundup 
To give you something festive to munch on for the next few days, we thought we'd put up a collection of holiday-appropriate cookies for you to make and share with your families! - Primal Palate


How the Bears Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Primal Lifestyle 
There are two thoughts I clearly remember having in my lifetime: I am overweight, but I no longer care about how I look and I am fine with being this way for the rest of my life. My husband is likely to die of a heart attack sometime soon and there is nothing I can do about it." - Mark's Daily Apple


The Greater Gila: America's First Wilderness
“The Gila has been referred to as the Yellowstone of the Southwest for its size, wildness, and nearly complete suite of natural processes and wildlife populations. Extensive roadless areas, wilderness and old growth forests, unparalleled wildlife—including Mexican spotted owl, Mexican gray wolves, jaguars, and endemic trout and other native fish - make the Gila Bioregion very special with the potential to be the crown jewel of a wild southwest.” - Wild Earth Guardians


SUNDAY PALEO / December 18, 2011

Grey Glacier, Patagonia, Chile


77,000-Year-Old Evidence for 'Bedding' and Use of Medicinal Plants Uncovered at South African Rock Shelter
“The oldest evidence for bedding at the site is particularly well-preserved, and consists of a layer of fossilized sedge stems and leaves, overlain by a tissue-paper-thin layer of leaves, identified by botanist Marion Bamford as belonging to Cryptocarya woodii, or River Wild-quince. The leaves of this tree contain chemicals that are insecticidal, and would be suitable for repelling mosquitoes.” – Science Daily

Is the Lion Man a Woman? Solving the Mystery of a 35,000-Year-Old Statue
“Archeologists have discovered previously unknown fragments of a figurine known as the "Lion Man," and are piecing it back together. Could the 35,000-year-old statue actually represent a female shaman? Scientists hope to resolve a decades-long debate.” - Spiegel Online


What to Eat and What to Avoid for Lifelong Health
“I’ve given you a few basic tools to identify what foods might be preventing fat loss and promoting poor health, so you generally know what not to do, but now you want the details on what you should be doing. Specifically, what you should and should not be eating. Let’s bring it all together and spell it out.” – Mark’s Daily Apple

Why Eating Animals Makes Everything Easier
“The problem is that many of us are broken. Sedentary living, modern food toxins, too much stress, not enough sleep, and a distinct lack of play for play’s sake (more on this later, if you’re confused about why I’d rank “play” with all the other stuff) have fundamentally changed the way we process fuel.” – Mark’s Daily Apple


Scrumptious Salmon Chowder
“…last night I wanted soup to warm us up and I searched around my fridge and pantry for what would work and came up with a delicious salmon chowder using some amazing wild caught salmon filets from our local supplier."- Everyday Paleo

Dark Chocolate Macadamia Bark Sprinkled with Sea Salt
"When your sweet tooth goes looking for the ultimate dessert indulgence this year, look no further. Dark Chocolate Macadamia Bark Sprinkled with Sea Salt tastes fully and completely like “real” dessert. Not only will you enjoy every bite, so will the family and friends that you gift it to (hint, hint, don’t eat it all yourself!)" - Mark's Daily Apple


It Could Be Old Age, or It Could Be Low B12
“As we age, our ability to absorb B12 from food declines, and often so does our consumption of foods rich in this vitamin. A B12 deficiency can creep up without warning and cause a host of confusing symptoms that are likely to be misdiagnosed or ascribed to aging.” – The New York Times

Confessions of a former Coke addict
“Yes, I've battled a Coke "addiction" more than once. Just when I think I have it beat, it worms its way back into my life. No, this Coke isn't that white, powdery stuff; it comes in a can, and my drug of choice is Cherry Coke Zero.” - Grist

Too much booze blunts your immune system
“Alcohol blunted the monocytes' defences. When the over-the-limit cells were exposed to a virus mimic, they produced only a quarter as much of the virus-fighting signalling molecule called type-1 interferon as teetotal monocytes made.” – New Scientist

Fruits and Vegetables Reduce Risks of Specific Types of Colorectal Cancers, Study Finds
“The effects of fruit and vegetable consumption on colorectal cancer (CRC) appear to differ by site of origin, according to a new study published in the October issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.” ­– Science Daily


Farming: A New York state of mind
“New York has a lot to offer -- farming is no exception. This week, we visited three very different farmers and heard their take on the city and how growing food plays a role in (and is influenced by) the Big Apple.” - Grist


SUNDAY PALEO / December 4, 2011

Pulling the mooring line. Puerto Natales, Chile.ANTHROPOLOGY

Archaeologists land world's oldest fish hook: First deep-sea fish supper dated to 42,000 years ago.
“The team also found more than 38,000 fish bones at the site, dating the oldest back to 42,000 years ago. Some were from inshore species, but almost half were from 'pelagic species' — fish that dwell in the open ocean, providing the oldest known evidence of humans fishing far from shore.” - Nature


Fish in diet may ward off Alzheimer's
“In the study, people who ate baked or broiled fish at least once a week had larger volumes of gray matter in areas of the brain known to be involved in memory and learning. Moreover, people with larger volumes in these areas reduced the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease five-fold over a five year period.” - MyHealthNewsDaily

Apple juice's other health risk: It'll make you fat
"‘If it wasn't healthy in the first place, adding vitamins doesn't make it into a health food,’ and if it causes weight gain, it's not a healthy choice, said Karen Ansel, a registered dietitian in New York and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.” - TODAY HEALTH

That Tasty Taste: The rise of Obesity in America - Why it’s ACTUALLY happening
“While, on the surface, obesity seems to be the result of a potent amalgamation of cultural, personal, and other environmental stressors that dominate the American lifestyle and society, the Obesity Epidemic, at the most fundamental level of human biology and psychology, is caused by food addiction.” - @CTheFlow


Why Eating Animals Makes Everything Easier  
"Bottom line: if you’re overweight, you’re not utilizing the energy stored on your body. Switching over to the Fat Paradigm and a fat-based diet will unlock that stored body fat and allow you to use what you’ve already got (plus carbohydrates, when and if you eat them). But if you remain entrenched in the Carb Paradigm, your body never gets the message to start accessing body fat for energy." - Mark's Daily Apple

7 easy ways to boost your immune system 
Leave out the beans and soy and you have pretty good Paleo advice. TODAY HEALTH

The Best Dark Chocolate: Our Taste Test Results 
“Though dark chocolate is officially defined as having at least 35 percent cocoa solids, we tested a range between 50 and 85 percent in our quest for chocolatey perfection. We tested only solid dark chocolate bars -- that means no nuts, no fillings, and no added flavors.” - Kitchen Daily


Holiday Brussels Sprouts and Garlic Roasted Sweet Potatoes
“I have several holiday recipes on the blog that you can find here, here, and here; but what’s wrong with a couple more!” - Everyday Paleo

Slow Cooked Cinnamon Curry Steak
For this recipe we decided to play with some interesting flavors to (hopefully) create a tasty dish. The end result was pretty great. Cinnamon is surprisingly delicious when paired with steak, and the warm sweet flavor goes well with curry. - Primal Palate


Urban farming growing in popularity
“Welcome to the new era of urban farming. Residents within the limits of many U.S. cities are learning that some neighbors want to make more full use of their property. And that has put some pressure on municipalities to revisit local laws that regulate the occupancy and management of animals and crops.” - Main Today Real Estate

Penn State Launches Urban Farming High Tunnel Project with Community Partners in Philadelphia
“‘If the trucks stop bringing food into any major metropolitan area in the United States, for whatever reason, in a short period of time there will not be any food available,’ he said. ‘We want to give people in Philadelphia an appreciation for the value of food, its nutrition and what goes into growing it. They need to realize it doesn’t just grow on the shelves of grocery stores.’” - Seedstock


Dreaming Takes the Sting out of Painful Memories, Research Shows
"The dream stage of sleep, based on its unique neurochemical composition, provides us with a form of overnight therapy, a soothing balm that removes the sharp edges from the prior day's emotional experiences." - ScienceDaily


Becoming Paleo, Part 1: The Yale Food Addiction Scale 
"Society’s strong motivation to lose weight combined with the tremendous amount of energy and resources spent on the “obesity epidemic” suggests that the problem of obesity is not driven by a lack of motivation or effort." 


SUNDAY PALEO / November 27, 2011

Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Chile. More on the trip this week. ANTHROPOLOGY

Study: Humans were catching tuna 42K years ago  
“The latest evidence comes from an excavation on the southeast Asian island of East Timor where remains of tuna and other deep-water fish were uncovered inside a cave. Using dating techniques, a team led by archaeologist Sue O'Connor of Australian National University determined the age to be 42,000 years old — making it the earliest evidence for ocean fishing.” – CBS News

From the Cave to the Kennel 
“This account is now falling apart in the face of new genetic analyses and recently discovered fossils. The emerging story sees humans and proto-dogs evolving together: We chose them, to be sure, but they chose us too.” – The Wall Street Journal


Chocolate May Cut Women's Stroke Risk 
“The new research is yet another study that shows the health benefits of chocolate, says Suzanne Steinbaum, DO, a cardiologist and director of Women and Heart Disease at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. She agrees that picking chocolate wisely is important. "What we have been recommending is at least 70% cocoa," she says.” – MedicineNet

The Hidden Toll of Traffic Jams 
“As roadways choke on traffic, researchers suspect that the tailpipe exhaust from cars and trucks—especially tiny carbon particles already implicated in heart disease, cancer and respiratory ailments—may also injure brain cells and synapses key to learning and memory.” – The Wall Street Journal


Adherents to Paleo diet find weight loss success by eating like our ancestors 
"‘The evidence to support eating grains is underwhelming,’ says Michael Roussell PhD, a Livestrong.com adviser, citing a recent Harvard study that found that, contrary to what we've been trained to believe, simple sugars and refined grains are more detrimental to our health than animal fats.” – austin360.com

How to Eat More Vegetables 
“It’s been my experience that people rarely have trouble eating more meat when going Primal. Sure, former vegetarians may struggle with the transition, but the average omnivore usually welcomes the opportunity to indulge more often. Vegetables, on the other hand, seem to present more of an issue.” – Mark’s Daily Apple


Herbed Halved Chicken
“We served the chicken with roasted winter squash and I made a quick coleslaw with shredded green cabbage, diced apples, sliced almonds, with olive oil and a touch of balsamic vinegar for the dressing.” – Everyday Paleo

“Recipes from the app are heavy on lean meats like fish and poultry, fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts and natural herbs and spices.” - Pursuitist


"A trio of German entrepreneurs is hoping to convert an old industrial building in Berlin into the world's largest rooftop farm. Plans for the self-sustaining organic spread, which should be up and running by 2013, include a fertilizing fish farm on the building's top floor." – Worldcrunch


SUNDAY PALEO / November 6, 2011


Introducing the New Primal Blueprint Food Pyramid
"The most noticeable change is making meat/fish/fowl/eggs, rather than produce, the base. It’s actually not a huge thematic change, as I’ve always suggested that animal products comprise the bulk of calories, but now it’s clear. Before, I’d often have to clarify to people that yes, vegetables may often make up the bulk of your food by sheer volume, but no, they will probably not make up the bulk of your food by caloric content. The repositioning of the two sections makes that clearer and less confusing." - Mark's Daily Apple


Tracing the first North American hunters
“It is further proof that humans have been present in North America for longer than previously believed. The “Clovis First” theory, which many scientists swore to just a few years back, has finally been buried with the conclusions of this study,” - University of Copenhagen News


SimpleEnergy: Changing how utilities engage customers
"Simple Energy has developed a new way for people to save energy that is social, fun and simple. We’ve designed an online platform that helps users understand their energy use with actionable insights, that scores them against their Facebook friends and that rewards them with real prizes. We live a wired, dynamic life. It’s time to upgrade how we save energy." - SimpleEnergy

Opower: Plugging in soon
"We are the experts at delivering personalized energy information to help people be more energy efficient. Does it work? You bet. So far, we've helped people save $53M and have taken 50,000 homes "off the grid." The best part is that we're just getting started." - Opower


Metech Recycling: Responsible Electronics Recycling
"For over forty years, Metech has provided secure and environmentally responsible electronics recycling and asset recovery services. Today Metech Recycling is the industry leader in electronic waste recycling." - Metech


Paleo on the Budget is Possible
"Eating Paleo doesn’t mean you’ll have to break you bank to shop for the grocery. My hubs and I aren’t making high income and we manage eating Paleo while still staying within our budget. There are a lot of bloggers posting how they stay in their budget while eating Paleo and a lot of them have good suggestions, tips and tricks. Here I wanna share with you all how I am doing it." – Delightful Taste Buds

The Paleo Challenge
“The benefits and results are uncanny. It's hard to believe unless you actually do it and experience it yourself. I always tell people to give it at least 30 days and see for yourself,” said Sonsini. “It's how we are genetically made-up to live and thrive. We are not designed to eat Neolithic foods.” - OurHometown.ca


Paleo Thanksgiving Turkey and Stuffing
"This year, we will be spending the holiday with my family, and in preparation for the big turkey day, we were able to do a "test run" of a new turkey and stuffing recipe with a delicious turkey from US Wellness Meats. We enjoyed this turkey so much that we just ordered another one for the real Thanksgiving with my family in a few weeks." – Primal Palate

Lamb Osso Bucco and Delicata Squash
"I used one lamb osso bucco (tailbone with meat) and one lamb steak to add some more meat. After a couple of hours in the oven, the meat will literally fall off the bone, the marrow will meld into the sauce, and the vegetables will make an almost creamy sauce. Heaven." – Food for Primal Thought


How I Lost 13.5 Pounds In 30 Days On The Paleo Challenge
"But I want to tell you why I feel I was successful in such a short amount of time and why I think you’d be pleasantly surprised if you committed to your own 30-day Paleo Challenge. ...i’m not telling you its going to be easy, i’m telling you its going to be worth it.” - Healthy Discoveries


SUNDAY PALEO / October 30, 2011

Annapolis, Maryland. Image: CyberMed, LLC


Are We Living In The Anthropocene? 
They acknowledge that humans are "undoubtedly" the dominant species on Earth, but stress that there are many specific regions/ecosystems that are still intact. ....despite popular belief, humans have not changed everything. - Science 2.0

Face-to-face with an ancient human
From their studies of rubbish in and around Vistehola, the archaeologists determined that this clan ate fish – mostly cod – as well as oysters, mussels, cormorants, elk and wild pig. - University of Stavanger


Dow starts mass-marketing solar shingles
Though obviously much more reflective, the CIGS (copper, indium, gallium, and selenide) thin-film solar shingles resemble typical asphalt composite shingles in shape and size, and when installed mimic the same brick pattern. The shingles boast easy installation and durability, with Dow Solar claiming they can be walked on or even dropped from a two-story roof with no damage inflicted. – CNET News


Berlin Restaurant Caters to Modern Cavemen
Many people think the Paleolithic diet is just some hipster trend but it's a worldwide phenomenon, with an online community that spans the globe," Sauvage's Boris Leite-Poço told SPIEGEL ONLINE of the growing interest in caveman cooking. – Speigel Online International


More Power to the Cranberry: Study Shows the Juice is Better than Extracts at Fighting Bacterial Infections 
Camesano’s lab explores the mechanisms that the virulent form of E. coli bacteria, the primary cause of most urinary tract infections (UTIs) in people, uses to form biofilms. This strain of E. coli is covered with small hair-like projections known as fimbriae that act like hooks and latch onto cells that line the urinary tract. - Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Bison Stew 
We were fortunate to receive some tasty bison stew meat from US Wellness Meats. We love bison, and we love everything that we receive from US Wellness, so we were very anxious to cook up something amazing with this product! – Primal Palate


Suicide: One Bite at a Time 
I came to realize that basically I was committing suicide one bite at a time with all the “comfort” foods I was consuming. Within about three months after gradually ramping up with the Primal lifestyle I had lost 40 to 50 pounds and was off all medications except for my blood pressure meds. - Mark's Daily Apple


Welcome to the Anthropocene: Humankind's layer on the Earth  
Paul Crutzen coined the term “anthropocene” while attending a scientific conference. When the chairman kept using the term Holocene to describe the current epoch, Crutzen exclaimed “Let's stop it, we are no longer in the Holocene. We are in the Anthropocene."