Entries in Success Stories (37)


MDA Success Story: John Mack

"I had always thought about losing weight but never gave it a fair try. I thought about it everyday. The hardest part for me was trying to find clothes. I would have to order them online or go to big and tall stores."

Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/down-100-pounds-in-9-months/#ixzz2eAm5p9US


MDA Success Story: Impact of Paleo nutrition on Shawn's Type I diabetes

From Mark's Daily Apple comes another great success story:

Around January of this year a friend exposed me to the paleo diet. I checked it out and was intrigued. I started doing extensive reading and research (during which I came across this website) and decided to give it a try. I slowly started purging out the sugars/carbs/processed foods that were poisoning my body (especially cereal which was a staple of my diet at the time), and whaddya know…my blood sugars and overall health improved drastically, and my insulin requirements dropped like a rock!!!

Read more here.


Success Story: No more bloating and brain fog

In the first few months as a vegetarian, I started to develop major digestion problems (mostly pain and bloating). I let this go on, along with my diet that consisted of mostly fruit and whole grains, second to eggs and veggies, for around one year…

After thinking about it for months (and reading The Paleo Solution) ... (I) began to follow the Paleo diet.… The changes I have noticed in my health, performance and body are incredible. The digestion problems I had been suffering with for over a year (and after half a dozen visits to the ER, my doctor, and a gastrointestinal specialist) were completely gone. My energy levels are consistent throughout the day, and the brain fog is gone!



Success Stories: How Sarah became The Paleo Mom

Sarah before. Image: The Paleo MomI continued to gain weight after that.  I was now a postdoctoral fellow in a very high-profile research lab in Toronto, Ontario, doing ground-breaking medical research and working 80-100 hour weeks.  I stopped weighing myself after 260 pounds and always assumed that I gained 10-15 more pounds after that based on the fact that I went up an entire clothing size (or was it two?).  However, when I look at this picture, taken the summer of 2004, I think I may have been underestimating how heavy I was at my biggest. Until now, I’ve always said that I was 265-270 pounds at my biggest.  But now, I think I was pushing 300 pounds.  I was wearing plus-size 26 clothes.  I was miserable.  I dyed my hair crazy colors to compensate for low self-esteem.








Read Sarah's story at The Paleo Mom


Success Stories: How Tara became Primal Girl

Tara before. Image: Primal GirlI saw dozens of doctors – German ones, Canadian ones, American and Dutch. Some told me I was suffering from allergies. Others made me keep a food journal and count calories. Some gave me acne medication. I was poked, prodded and bled. The one conclusion that all of the doctors shared was that I was overreacting, hysterical and wasting their time. According to them, I was just fat and lazy – and probably a hypochondriac.

I was miserable. 

Read Tara's story at Primal Girl

Tara after. Image: Primal Girl



MovNat Success Story: "like I was 10-years-old again"

In the blink of an eye, everything became clear again. Why get stressed? Why eat processed food when you can pick up fresh food around the corner? Why not get out there, grab a tree branch and ignore the weird looks? Why not learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? Why not set a good, healthy example for my kids? Why not choose to be strong, happy, and free?



Success Story: “30 days of caveman”

After reading multiple sources on the science and justification for this diet, I decided to try it for 30 days.  I had my physician order some blood work for later comparison, cleaned out my cabinets, and got to it.

The results forever changed how I would think of food.  What I had originally thought was a diet of moderation and general health was in fact quite the opposite.

According to my pre-diet blood profile, I was quickly approaching necessary medical intervention.  My total cholesterol and LDL levels were far too high.  HDL levels were quite low as well.

After 30 days of eating only approved foods, every blood value I had tested had improved.  The test ran values on 15 various markers and every single test came back healthier.

Fitness & Function


Success Story: Becoming a family

I never thought I would be writing or sharing a success story. Not because I didn’t’ think there would be success, but because I am really not the sharing type. But what happened to me and my wife is important, and I want you to know. I have been telling anyone who will listen:

Mark's Daily Apple


PaleoMD success story

I have a new patient that has always struggled with hypertriglyceridemia. When I first saw him, his fasting triglyceries were 315 (recommended is < 150) on 40 mg of Lipitor! We stopped the Lipitor and did an NMR (advanced lipoprotein analysis) and his tryglyceries were 710 and his LDL were all the more dangerous small, dense variety. This patient was not overweight and was fairly active, playing tennis 3-4 days a week. We discussed "Wheat Belly" and the Paleo lifestyle and the expected changes in his lipid profile: decreased Trig, increased HDL, and a change to large, fluffy LDL. Saw the patient back for health coach every two weeks, and after three months repeated his NMR lipid profile. Amazingly, his triglyceries were now 130!



Brent's primal success story

I no longer use my C-PAP machine, and I feel like a teenager again. All of my health issues are gone! I feel like I have a new lease on life. I look forward to every morning and cherish every day. Because honestly, when I was at my worst I didn’t know how many days I had left. We now have a second child, and I am able to play with them as much as I want, roll on the floor with them, and just be there for them. I truly have a life I never thought possible. I went from feeling like I was dying every minute of every day, to living the life I have always dreamed! It is truly a gift that I cherish every day.

Mark's Daily Apple


Success Story: Response to the primal diet

More importantly, I’ve noticed that a lot of nuisance health issues that I had attributed to aging and/or had for so long that I accepted them as “normal,” are gone. To name just a few, the achy shins and joints, compliments of power walking (I read that it was easier on the joints than jogging, lol!), are no longer achy. I no longer feel like I am going to pass out if I don’t have breakfast within the first 30 minutes after I wake up. I no longer need to constantly pack snacks for my mid-morning and mid-afternoon hunger pangs/shakes. I no longer get in a foul mood when I’m hungry. I don’t drink anywhere near the amounts of water I drank regularly when I was constantly fighting dehydration, nor have I had a need to drink Gatorade. I have more energy than ever ...

Mark's Daily Apple 


Success Story: Bryan in Galveston

Bryan Barksdale was a college student with stomach problems three years ago, even though he was a vegetarian and exercised regularly.

Then he read about the paleo/primal lifestyle and went retro.

He switched to the diet of his ancestors, heavy on meat, fish and fowl, and abstained from fast food and processed foods. His exercise took on a natural bent, including barefoot running.

Amazingly, his health improved.

The Daily News